Systematic Guide to Collaboration and Competition within Organizations

How understanding the Interplay of Collaboration and Competition maximises Business Performance

The central argument of this guide is that the current unspoken assumption in organizational leadership and change management, that projects are either collaborative or competitive but never both, is fatally flawed and produces, at best, sub-optimal results and at worst total failures.

The guide proposes a new understanding of how the two activities, collaboration and competition, fundamentally interplay and suggest two new hybrid dynamics - “Edgy Collaboration” and “Eco Competition” - which organizational teams can recognise and employ.

The guide describes 9 practical disciplines for mastering the Collaborate/Compete “Interplay” and 7 personal leadership skills needed by organizational leaders who seek to master both dynamics in Collaborate/Compete Interplay.

Click to watch a short video introduction to the book.

For corporate users, there is also a comprehensive portfolio of virtual business simulations, COMPETE, FUSION and PLAYOFF, which are based on the book and allow teams to face and reflect on the challenges of collaborating effectively in different business scenarios in a safe, engaging and effective learning environment.

Systematic Guide to Collaboration and Competition within Organizations is available to purhase on Amazon (Buy now).


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'Systematic Guide to Collaboration and Competition within Organizations'


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