Team Leadership Simulation


An Adaptable Business Simulation that is equally applicable to those new to a Leadership Role as to Seasoned Leaders who need a refresher.

Championing John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership (ACL) principles of Task, Team and Individual. CREW focuses on the skills needed to Manage and Lead a Team effectively.

This Simulation supports Experiential Learning for Team Leaders on Project Management, Team Leadership and developing High Performing Individuals.


Core Simulation Skillsets

Team Leadership

  • Define your team's tasks, priorities, vision, purpose
  • Scheduling work effectively to a team
  • Maximising overall team utilisation
  • Managing project importance and complexity
  • Managing project deadlines
  • Managing customer satisfaction
  • Making effective team interventions
  • Making effective team member Interventions
  • Proactively managing team member well-being

Team Operations

  • Operating an effective Team
  • Organising a Team for success
  • Resolve conflict
  • Decision making under pressure
  • Time management
  • Managing change with agility
  • Maximising contribution of the whole Team
  • Managing new information effectively
  • Continuous performance improvement

Managing the Individual

  • Monitor and maintain relationships
  • Develop your people
  • Identify and understand skills, personality, strength sand development areas
  • Give feedback
  • Recognise and reward efforts
  • Utilise capabilities and strengths

Key Functionality
  • Schedule/reschedule work for your team each week
  • Make weekly interventions for each team member
  • Team and Project Interventions
  • Run your team/projects for 4 weeks
  • Track your results on a visual dashboard
  • Review learning at end of each round
  • Collaborate and compete with your colleagues

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Special Features

Integrates with Action Centred Leadership Model.

200-page supporting books on Best Practice in Teams and Project Management.

Supporting Team Leadership 360 Review App.

New Projects, Project Updates and New Team and Staff issues every week.

Let's Talk
Business Simulations

And a member of our team will be in touch

The CREW simulation enabled our managers and project managers to actually experience the difference between being a good manager and merely being a scheduler. In fact to do well in the simulation they really had to focus on having the “hard conversations” with staff which are so easy to put-off. The competitive element really helped and they quickly forgot it was a simulation.

Project Manager

Major UK Bank

Let's Talk Business Simulations

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Feel free to give us a call on +44 2896 237253

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