Virtual Business Simulations

Experiential Learning in a Virtual Environment

Can a Virtual Business Simulation offer the same Experiential Learning experience as it’s on-site equivalent?

This is a question we get asked every week. Our answer - Yes … when complimented with well trained Facilitators and backed up with the right Tech.

There is no question that the recent Worldwide pandemic has dramatically changed the way a lot of us work. This is even more prevalent when it comes to the way we train.

With the plethora of (pandemic related) travel / local restrictions, more and more Businesses have looked at ways they can deliver their training Virtually.

If truth be told this was the route that many were taking even before the pandemic, fueled by the rise in the popularity of International Teams split across Countries and Timezones.

While the pros of a Virtual event are fairly obvious …

  • Savings on travel and accommodation
  • Exemption from any travel / local restrictions
  • No risk of pandemic related cancellations
  • Time saved commuting to and from the Event
  • Ability to have Senior Guests and/or Experts ‘Dial in’

… there is often a concern that Virtual Training offers a ‘Second Class’ Learning Experience.

What we do differently

Business Simulation

The core principle at the heart of our philosophy is ‘Learn by Doing’. There is as much Learning from the taking part in a Business Simulation as there is in the Topic.

When we deliver a Virtual Business Simulation we use a web conferencing platform (that is familiar to our Client) such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx (many more supported).

Our Simulations are played in Teams. Traditionally these Teams would sit around a table in a meeting room. In the Virtual World this has been replaced by the ‘Breakout Room’.

Once in ‘Breakout’, Teams will be asked to form a plan, assign roles, make decisions and of course reflect.

Teams will start and end the Simulation in a Plenary Room with their fellow Teams. They will also regularly return to Plenary to see the results of their decisions, explain why they made the decisions they did and engage in healthy debate as to how this could be applied to the ‘Real World’.

Typically a Virtual Business Simulation would last between 2-4 hours and can be split over multiple days for longer Programmes.

We can Facilitate a Business Simulation for you or Train your Trainers to deliver a more regular programme.

If you would like to know more about any of our Business Simulations please contact us, we cover a wide range of Leadership Topics including (but not exclusively) 

Trusted by our Clients
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And a member of our Team will be in touch

Interested in any of our Virtual Business Simulations?

Request more information and we will send you a FREE copy of our Booklet 'Twelve Essential Leadership Skills'

This collection of Twelve Essential Leadership Skills describes a set of skills which are each essential competencies for a proficient manager.


We transform Leadership Development using Business Simulations, guided by three principles:

Our Leadership Topics

Our Business Simulations & Learning Apps address these key leadership topics

Let's Talk Business Simulations

We would love to tell you more about what we can do for your Business.
Feel free to give us a call on +44 2896 237253

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