We are delighted to announce the launch of SIEVE our new Innovation Simulation.
SIEVE, built with our powerful DECIDE Situational Judgement Engine, gives participants the opportunity to experience each of the key stages of an Innovation project based on a real-world company/product scenario. Like all our other Simulations SIEVE can be run over a web conferencing platform like Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Webex Training with participants working virtually.

A Typical SIEVE Session
A SIEVE Simulation typically lasts about 4 hours and is played in teams of 4-5 participants per team.
The teams are introduced to the challenge and given a demo of the Simulation.
Each round starts with the teams studying the briefing materials, getting familiar with the Simulation and then completing an 'Off-Simulation' exercise using an innovation technique relevant to the innovation phase.
The teams must then answer a set of multiple choice questions on the innovation phase, referencing the electronic news updates they are receiving, and see their results instantly on their private team dashboards
At this stage the teams are invited to reflect on their performance in the round and to share what insights they are gaining.
All the teams are then brought together to review the combined leaderboard and discuss the different options chosen by each team for each question. This discussion is enhanced by an analytics screen which charts graphically the choices selected for each question.
This process repeats for each round ...
Example SIEVE Screenshots
1. Simulation documents inbox with briefing papers and electronic news updates

2. Multiple Choice Questions Screen (for each round)

3. Simulation Results Dashboard showing Trends and History

4. Analytics Screen for each question in the Simulation

If you would like to find out more about SIEVE or our other Business Simulations please Contact us.