Safe, Effective & Engaging Learning (Virtual or Residential)
We champion Business Simulations as an effective and engaging form of Leadership Development. 'Learn by doing' hones skills in a safe and controlled environment.
"Let's take flight simulation as an example. If you're trying to train a pilot, you can simulate almost the whole course. You don't have to get in an airplane until late in the process." - Roy Romer
As well reducing Business risk, our AWARD WINNING Simulations also offer an experiential and social environment, sharing the experience with other participants. All our Simulations can be facilitated in a Virtual or Residential environment.
Jay Cross in his excellent book, “Informal Learning: Rediscovering the Natural Pathways That Inspire Innovation and Performance”, establishes that up to 90% of the information and skills we need to do our jobs is learned this way rather than formally, using what he refers to as Informal or Social Learning.
Our Simulations have been designed by Subject-Matter Experts and are 'OFF-THE-SHELF' and ready to run but can be considerably customised to meet specific requirements. We also support multiple delivery models including facilitated and self-directed (SOLO).
We have found that the addition of gaming elements to Business Simulation Games (such as leader boards, penalties, rewards and the unexpected), can significantly enhance engagement and team cohesion through competition with other teams.
Our most popular Leadership Development Simulations include:
Additionally each of our Simulations are supported by a comprehensive theory book and supplemented by a collection of custom Learning Apps to supercharge, personalise and deepen the total learning experience and business value gained from each Simulation.
And a member of our Team will be in touch
The biggest compliment I can pay these Simulations is that after half an hour the participants are no longer playing a game they are running a business!
Using these unique Business Simulations we have been able to develop a whole range of new services for our clients in key areas such as business acumen, strategic thinking, team and leadership development.
The learning people derive from the experience is very powerful and because it is theirs the transfer to the workplace is so much easier.
We used the Compete Business Acumen Simulation at our leadership conference with 50 participants organised into six groups. It enabled us to assess and develop each group's business and Financial Acumen in a highly engaging, competitive and fun way. It turned out really great. People enjoyed the Simulation so much!
The Change Simulation (Cohort) worked perfectly ... comparing it to the two other Simulations I use for Change Management training – this is the best one for participant learning.
We have facilitated the XSIM Team Commercial Acumen Simulation with 1000+ leaders and managers - they were challenged, they gained important insights about Business Acumen and Collaboration, and they enjoyed the experience!
Request more information and we will send you a FREE copy of our Booklet 'Twelve Essential Leadership Skills'
This collection of Twelve Essential Leadership Skills describes a set of skills which are each essential competencies for a proficient manager.
We transform Leadership Development using Business Simulations, guided by three principles:
'Learn by Doing' approaches, such as Simulation, are more engaging & effective than traditional forms of learning
Team Learning offers a powerful extra learning dynamic & fosters better Collaboration & Team skills
Innovation skills learned during Simulations are easier to transfer back to the workplace
Our Business Simulations & Learning Apps address these key leadership topics
Business Acumen Simulation
Business Acumen & Strategy Simulation (B2C)
Business Acumen & Strategy Simulation (B2B)
We would love to tell you more about what we can do for your Business. Feel free to give us a call on +44 2896 237253