HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 1 - Introduction

20 Jun 2017

In this initial 20-minute video, the first in the series, Ken Thompson introduces the topic of High Performing Teams by first highlighting the 4 big challenges teams face today:

  1. Fundamental Problems with the dominant model of teams (Command and Control)
  2. Defining the team’s boundary too narrowly to achieve success when the unexpected happens
  3. Creating a team which can deliver sustainably without burning out its members
  4. Maintaining the right balance of collaboration and competition in your teams

Ken continues by reviewing how the very nature of teams has evolved quite significantly over the last 15-20 years leading to where we find ourselves today - the relentless virtualization of teams in organizations.  Then to help us understand the many issues involved in successfully establishing and leading virtual teams, Ken proposes a simple but insightful model, The MARTINI Model of Virtual Teams which identifies 4 team scenarios in increasing order of team leadership challenge:

  • Same Time, Same Place: This is the traditional co-located team
  • Same Time, Any Place: This is where the team are in the same broad time zone but geographically dispersed
  • Any Time, Same Place: This is where the team is co-located but working different shifts
  • Any Time, Any Place: This is where the team is fully virtualised – different time zones and different geographies. This is the most challenging form of virtual team!

Ken then goes on to directly address the central issue of teams - how to create sustainable high performing teams (HPTs) and closes this video with an introduction to a well-defined integrated Model for sustainable HPTs development which can be used to achieve it.

The Figure of 8/RaceTrack model of HPTs holistically integrates the 4 key aspects of Team Process Development:

  • Communications
  • Meetings
  • Alignment & Accountability
  • Support and Systems

and the 4 key aspects of Team Change Management:

  • Insight & Relationships
  • Understanding & Influencing
  • Commitment
  • Support and Development 

Watch the other Videos

Video 1 (20:09 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 1 - Introduction

Video 2 (11:12 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 2 - Creating HPTs in a hurry!

Video 3 (09:03 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 3 - The Processes of HPTs

Video 4 (08:32 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 4 - Change Management for HPTs

Video 5 (08:22 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 5 - HPT Leadership Tips

Further Reading from Ken Thompson on HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS

1. Bioteams: High Performance Teams Based on Nature’s Most Successful Designs

2. The Networked Enterprise: Competing for the Future Through Virtual Enterprise Networks

3. A Systematic Guide to High Performing Teams (HPTs)

4. A Systematic Guide to Collaboration and Competition within organizations

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