27 Jun 2017
In this 8-minute video, the fourth in the 5-part series, Ken Thompson describes a systematic way to address the change management issues involved in creating a High Performing Team.
One of the most common problems in attempting to implement HPTs is overly focussing on the process aspects but neglecting the change management aspects resulting in a sterile process exercise which is not sustainable and produces no real benefits.
Change Management in an HPT context is about getting team members individually bought-in to and equipped for the change so that you are not the only person taking leadership responsibilities for the team. Change Management for HPTs is really about creating a team where every member is a leader in some domain within the team.
Video 1 (20:09 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 1 - Introduction
Video 2 (11:12 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 2 - Creating HPTs in a hurry!
Video 3 (09:03 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 3 - The Processes of HPTs
Video 4 (08:32 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 4 - Change Management for HPTs
Video 5 (08:22 mins) HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS COURSE by Ken Thompson - Topic 5 - HPT Leadership Tips
1. Bioteams: High Performance Teams Based on Nature’s Most Successful Designs
2. The Networked Enterprise: Competing for the Future Through Virtual Enterprise Networks
3. A Systematic Guide to High Performing Teams (HPTs)
4. A Systematic Guide to Collaboration and Competition within organizations
'Influencing Communities: Leading Large-Scale Change in the Digital Era'
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