A Systematic Guide to Business Acumen and Leadership Using Dilemmas

Includes Organizational Health, Agility, Resilience and Crisis Management

This guide offers a unique and concise review of ten very common types of business and leadership dilemma which leaders and managers face in major organizations. It is based on ten years’ worth of interviewing, testing, and running simulation games with hundreds of subject matter experts, top performers, leaders, and managers across many different industries.

The primary purpose of the guide is to equip new leaders to recognize these dilemmas whenever they first occur and be ready with strategies and tactics for dealing with them in a more masterful way to achieve results which go beyond the norm. The guide also serves as a ‘Business Acumen Primer’ for anyone who needs a broad overview of the types of challenges facing business unit leaders today.

Click to watch a short video introduction to the book.

For corporate users, there is also a comprehensive portfolio of virtual business simulations, COMPETE, DILEMMA, XSIM and YSIM, which are based on the book and allow teams to face and reflect on the challenges of running different types of businesses in a safe, engaging and effective learning environment.

A Systematic Guide to Business Acumen and Leadership Using Dilemmas is available to purhase on Amazon (Buy now).


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'A Systematic Guide to Business Acumen and Leadership Using Dilemmas'


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