COMPETE Family of Business Simulations Extended

Article by Ken Thompson, last updated August 2020

We are delighted to announce that the award-winning COMPETE Business Simulation has now been extended into a family of 3 products - COMPETE, DILEMMA and COMPETE XL


The popular entry level product COMPETE can be played in 90-120 minutes and allows up to 6 teams to compete in real-time for market share whilst developing skills in Business Acumen, Goal Setting, Strategy, Execution, Collaboration and Teamwork. COMPETE is also great for teambuilding events.

The base scenario is Coffee Stalls in an Artisan Market but this can be easily re-configured for other types of businesses such as Legal Firms, Fast Food Outlets and Broadband Suppliers. Two special features of COMPETE are that teams can play on their mobile phones or tablets and the facilitator can change the market conditions each round (e.g. price sensitivity, costs and market volumes) during a live Simulation session to maximise the learning experience

A Typical COMPETE Screen showing Leading Teams and Trends


We have now added in DILEMMA (working titled as COMPETE PLUS before launch) which takes COMPETE to a whole new level and allows teams to additionally manage a portfolio of 3 products and respond to 4 key business decisions per round. The business decisions, which change each round, relate to an unfolding narrative of business, management and ethical challenges which teams encounter in managing People, Innovation, Competition and Technology.

DILEMMA puts teams under more pressure than COMPETE and is very effective in developing High Performing Team skills. The base Pscenario is up to 6 Major Coffee Shops on a busy high street with each trading period representing 1 month. DILEMMA takes 180-240 minutes to play and takes COMPETE some way towards our more sophisticated and longer Business Simulations – XSIM (4 hours) and YSIM (8 hours).


COMPETE XL is an extension of COMPETE which has cleverly re-designed the user interface to allow up to 18 teams to play the Simulation at the same time. COMPETE XL  is ideal for conferences and large groups and can easily handle over 100 participants playing at the same time. It is also applicable where you wish the Simulation to be played by individuals rather than teams. Functionality is identical to COMPETE and also takes 90-120 minutes.

Compete XL Screen with 18 teams playing the Simulation


From the outset the COMPETE Family of Simulations was designed for customisation. This includes changing both the business which the simulation represents, its market dynamics (financials, volumes and trading period) and the content of the management dilemma backstory climaxing in 4 custom business questions each round. 


Like our other Business Simulations  COMPETE, DILEMMA and COMPETE XL can be used totally virtually with all participants working from home.

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Ken Thompson

Ken is a practitioner, author and speaker on Leadership, Collaborative Working, High Performing Teams, Change Management, Project Management and Business Acumen. His work has featured in major publications including The Guardian , Wired Magazine, The Huffington Post and The Henry Ford Magazine. Ken has also spoken at many international events including TEDx, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Learn Tech (London) and NASA.

Ken is Founder of Business Simulations Ltd.

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