The Dilemma-19 Challenge
Relaunch and operate your business for a year in post-Covid19 world with our new DILEMMA-19 Business Simulation.
The simulation creates a virtual environment where you can experience, respond to and safely learn from realistic post-Covid19 challenges which you can then apply to your own organization.
DILEMMA-19 provides a timely and unique opportunity for post-Coronavirus restart planning, testing, learning, teambuilding and mobilisation for your operational management and leadership teams.
Each quarter you will encounter critical “New Normal” Operational Dilemmas such as:
- Reduced capacity
- Variable demand
- Increased operating costs
- Second wave virus threats
- Emergence of new competitors
You will also have to address realistic Situational Dilemmas covering key business areas including:
- Product development
- Virtual team management
- Alternative customer channels
- Supply chain redesign
- Customer engagement and loyalty
A Typical Dilemma-19 Session

Dilemma-19 Example Briefing Papers and Simulation Screens

Dilemma-19 Supporting Tools

As part of the simulation you will also experience how you can use Value Chain Analysis to identify key strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities across your own organisation's Business Infrastructure.
More Details
DILEMMA-19 was developed using our flexible DILEMMA Business Simulation Engine which means it can be quickly customised for different businesses and scenarios. It is also possible to complement and extend the simulation by adding additional off-sim materials or group exercises.
The Simulation is faciitated and played with up to 5 teams over a 3-4 hour period and, like all our other simulations, can be run in-situ or virtually with all participants working from home.