SOLO range of self-directed Management Development Simulations launched

Article by Ken Thompson, last updated January 2019

We are delighted to announce that, in response to client demand,  we are launching our “Solo” Range of Business Simulations. 

The SOLO Concept

Our new Solo Business Simulation Architecture will enable most of our current award-winning Business Simulations to be played

  • By Individuals and Teams....
  • Self-Directed without external facilitation.... 
  • At their own pace rather than all at the same time! 

Benefits of SOLO to Clients

SOLO provides a number of important benefits to clients including:

  1. Access to our proven, award-winning, Business Simulations including COHORT, CHAPTER, CREW and SPREAD
  2. No need to engage or train simulation facilitators 
  3. No requirement to get groups of staff together physically (or virtually) all at the same time ... and inevitably during office hours 
  4. Ability for individuals to incorporate simulation-based learning into their own busy schedules whenever it suits them best over an extended period 
  5. Blending the power of experiential simulation-based learning with group discussions and virtual meetings to promote and share learning
  6. Easier for individuals to analyse their own performance during and after the simulation and reflect in more depth on the insights gained

SOLO Architecture

The SOLO architecture is designed to enable the power of self-directed learning through 7 unique features wrapping round a simulation:

  1. "Insights" Built-in eFacilitator assisting in each simulation
  2. Progress Management functions to allow learning managers to control how far individuals are allowed to go in the sim at any point 
  3. Leaderboards so that the learning manager, and also the participants, can see how everybody in the learning cohort is doing in the Simulation at any point in time 
  4. Virtual Learning Director which guides learners step by step through the Simulation
  5. Reflective Journaling via Personal Learner Workbooks which is best practice in self-directed learning
  6. An E-Documents System integrated into each simulation containing all briefing material and any Simulation updates 
  7. Action Replay and Charting facilities at the end of each simulation to allow learners to deeply review and analyse their performance 

Flexible Learning Scenarios for Clients

Imagine you have 30 managers who need to be trained experientially using the CHAPTER High Performing Teams Business Simulation.

In our current Simulation model a client would probably set up a 4-hour session with 6 teams of 5 with all participants in the same place or each team in a different virtually connected room. There would also likely be 2 facilitators managing the session. In many cases this will still be the best option for the client.

SOLO provides an alternative which may suit certain client scenarios better......

For example, the 30 participants might play the simulation one hour per week at their own pace over a 6-week period without ever meeting their colleagues. 

  • Week 1 could be the Simulation registration and preparatory reading.
  • In weeks 2-5 the participants might play each of four rounds of the Sim.
  • In week 6 they might focus on self-reflection and the insights gained. 

As each participant works through the Simulation, either by themselves or in a team with some colleagues, they would also be updating their Personal Simulation Workbooks which would form an invaluable permanent record of their performance and learning on the topic of the Simulation – in this case establishing a High Performing Team.

More Information on SOLO

SOLO sims will be launching with pilot clients in April 2019 - if you would like to know more or participate in a SOLO pilot or evaluation please get in touch by submitting an enquiry.

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More about Ken Thompson

Ken Thompson

Ken is a practitioner, author and speaker on Leadership, Collaborative Working, High Performing Teams, Change Management, Project Management and Business Acumen. His work has featured in major publications including The Guardian , Wired Magazine, The Huffington Post and The Henry Ford Magazine. Ken has also spoken at many international events including TEDx, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Learn Tech (London) and NASA.

Ken is Founder of Business Simulations Ltd.

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We transform Leadership Development using Business Simulations, guided by three principles:

Goals, Roles & Souls

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We champion Business Simulations as an effective and engaging form of Leadership Development. 'Learn by doing' hones skills in a safe and controlled environment.

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