Essential Leadership Skill Factsheets

Supporting Material for Business Simulation Participants

This collection of Essential Leadership Skill Factsheets summarises 12 key leadership / management skills – each on a single page. Each factsheet is self-contained and can be used immediately in a standalone way without reference to the other factsheets. Factsheets are quickly and easily digestible and instantly accessible for use, as required, during team business simulations to enhance the opportunities for practice and experiential learning.

Skills Covered:

  1. Setting up your Team for Success
  2. Effective Team Decision-making
  3. Running Productive Team Meetings
  4. Dealing with Conflict in Teams
  5. Communicating with Senior People
  6. PracticalNegotiation Skills
  7. Evidence-based Decision-Making
  8. Avoiding Unconscious Bias
  9. Making and Managing Commitments
  10. Creating a Safe Team Communications Environment
  11. Collaborating beyond your Team Boundaries
  12. Effective Leadership Early Warning System (EWS)

A free online self-assessment app for these 12 Leadership Skills is available for your computer or mobile phone.

Essential Leadership Skill Factsheets is available to purhase on Amazon (Buy now).


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'Essential Leadership Skill Factsheets'


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