Supporting Material for Business Simulation Participants
This collection of Essential Leadership Skill Factsheets summarises 12 key leadership / management skills – each on a single page. Each factsheet is self-contained and can be used immediately in a standalone way without reference to the other factsheets. Factsheets are quickly and easily digestible and instantly accessible for use, as required, during team business simulations to enhance the opportunities for practice and experiential learning.
Skills Covered:
A free online self-assessment app for these 12 Leadership Skills is available for your computer or mobile phone.
Essential Leadership Skill Factsheets is available to purhase on Amazon (Buy now).
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'Essential Leadership Skill Factsheets'
We transform Leadership Development using Business Simulations, guided by three principles:
'Learn by Doing' approaches, such as Simulation, are more engaging & effective than traditional forms of learning
Team Learning offers a powerful extra learning dynamic & fosters better Collaboration & Team skills
Innovation skills learned during Simulations are easier to transfer back to the workplace
Business Acumen Simulation
Business Acumen & Strategy Simulation (B2C)
Business Acumen & Strategy Simulation (B2B)
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